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Our school held an expanded meeting of the expert group on "training base for top students in theoretical economics"

2023-02-28 11:19:55 From:新葡的京集团350vip8888经济与管理学院 Views: 收藏本文

On June 24, 2021, the School of Economics and Management held an expanded meeting of the expert group on "Training Base for Top Students in Theoretical Economics" in Room 405, Building 3. Dong Zhiqiang, deputy director of the expert group, presided over the meeting. Professor Wang Zhibo, director of the Department of Economics and deputy head of the working group, reported to the meeting the Work Plan for the Training Base of Top Students in Theoretical Economics and the Training Plan for Top Students in Theoretical Economics. Deputy Secretary Zhan Qingguang, Professor Wu Chaolin, Professor Jia Lihong, Professor Peng Wenping, Professor Liu Yuan, Associate Professor Lai Xiaodong, Associate Professor Lian Hongquan Associate professor Zhang Tianhua, young talent representative Du Minzhe, teacher Qiu Huamei, director of the Student Affairs Office, and teacher Xu Xinmeng, director of the Academic Affairs Office attended the meeting and participated in the discussion.

The meeting agreed that, through innovative training methods, integration of science and education, international cooperation and other ways, leading top students to participate in scientific research projects and discipline competitions, the training base for top students in economics will cultivate a number of top economic talents with ideals, abilities and responsibilities for the country in the new era. The meeting discussed and approved the selection plan of top students, the selection criteria and assessment criteria of top student instructors. The college will publicly select top student tutors as soon as possible, and will publicly select 20-30 students with high aspirations, great academic potential, strong comprehensive ability and good psychological quality from the 2021 undergraduate students of the college to study in the training base of top students in theoretical economics after the beginning of next semester.