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(时间更改)郑世林副研究员:The effect of tenure-track policy on academic publication in China's university 华南经济论坛第275期

2020-04-09 11:27:00 来源:院科研办 点击: 收藏本文

题目:The effect of tenure-track policy on academic publication in China's university



主讲人:郑世林博士(北京大学国家发展研究院 副研究员)

摘要:The efficacy of tenure-track has been questioned as increasing practical attempts to expand or revoke it around the world. Leveraging the tenure-track reform of Chinese universities as a quasi-experiment, this paper studies the effect of tenure-track on academic output. Using a unique dataset of 728 teachers hired in economics schools of 985/211 Project universities from 1984–2018, we find a 59 percent increase of publications in target journals after the reform. The gain is enduring and mainly from middle-level journals. Teachers on tenure-track are more focused on relative high-quality research and are more active in seeking cooperation, especially with foreign scholars. The positive effect is persisting both at the individual level and school level. A series of tests are conducted to mitigate the concern of endogeneity.