【题目】The Rule of Noble Lie: Omens, Taxes and Rebellions in Imperial China(善谎之治:古代中国的占卜、税赋与叛乱)
【主讲人】张延人 (复旦大学发展研究院副教授)
【主持人】董志强 教授
The tradition of linking celestial phenomena with secular political behavior has been a longstanding practice in human civilization that has often been viewed as a superstitious obstacle to modern development. We challenge this view by demonstrating how this tradition enhances state capacity and reduces social conflicts. Using the Bayesian persuasion approach, we construct a model of political cosmology and test it in the context of the doctrine of Heaven-Mankind Interaction in Imperial China. The results show increased tax cuts and reduced farmer rebellions, highlighting the socio-economic significance of Confucian doctrine and echoing Plato's ''noble lie'' concept.
张延人博士,复旦发展研究院(FDDI)助理教授。他在2013年获英国阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen)国王学院经济学博士学位。他的研究兴趣聚焦于应用博弈论、行为合约理论、企业理论与发展经济学领域。目前的研究包含但不限于发明家流动与企业创新、家族企业内部治理、微表情识别的实验经济学运用、社交网络与区域一体化、国家能力的量化经济史等主题。他的论文已经发表在《经济研究》、Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics等国内外重要学术刊物上。